There are currently 1 books on bookshulf written by Mathilde Castrone Marchesi. Mathilde Castrone Marchesi's books have been mentioned in N book lists including the following lists:
Mathilde Castrone Marchesi's first book Twenty-four Vocalises for Soprano, Op. 3 was published in 1970. Crescendo, Diminuendo & Portamento 竺壬令丰召"""""""六 M.C.MARCHESI,Op.3 "丁 PIANO 綽扛一睡百江妾寸亡七 G - ,工台子一廿舌雯才名垂立耳立吐孝壬-e-台"莘 主三自廿亡君廿主三廿廿二"牟"蛙華"臨 ice ,f-l I = TTJg - I ^丑女"三工望甘-廿子一 ... In 1970 Mathilde Castrone Marchesi wrote Twenty-four Vocalises for Soprano, Op. 3, the most recent work.
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